Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our first lab!

This week we conducted our first lab with periods 1,3 and 5! We were so impressed with everyone- you all behaved like perfect scientists.

We used the scientific method to write our problem statements, hypotheses, methods, observations and conclusions in our lab books.

Using a bowl, an espresso cup (mini mug), water, plastic wrap, a rubber band and ice, we demonstrated the water cycle!

As we discovered, the set up was a model (representation) of the real water cycle. The water represented the ocean (other other bodies of water), the cup represented the land, the plastic wrap represented the top of the troposphere.

As was so eloquently described by Tatianna, the water evaporated (EVAPORATION) inside the bowl, the water vapor then rose up, and when it hit the plastic wrap that had been cooled by the ice it condensed to form fog (CONDENSATION). Given enough time and condensation, the fog got heavy with water droplets and water began dripping into the cup (PRECIPITATION).

Thank you all for showing your SWAG and completing this lab in your notebooks!

I can't wait for the next lab!

Please feel free to comment below. What did you think of our water cycle lab? Did it help you understand the water cycle?

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